Who we are
Vision: "Providing robust IT-Business solutions for enhancing our clients' performance."
Mission: "RSL is an innovative technology organization that provides IT-Business Solutions to small and medium sized businesses by integrating the efforts of highly motivated, experienced and professional individuals."
Values we believe that the softest pillow is
a clear conscience. The values that drive us
underscore our commitment to:
CCLIENT FOCUSED:Our success derives from a deep understanding of our clients, to whom all of is committed to deliver exceptional service and value.
LLEADERSHIP: We lead from the front, displaying our integrity and using facts to support our straight talk. We create an environment for positive change built on collaboration and trust.
IEXECUTION EXCELLENCE: We insist on excellence in all we do for clients and ourselves, striving always for recognition among the leaders in our industry.
FASPIRATION:We aspire individually and collectively to be more tomorrow than we are today.
ERESULTS:We accept individual responsibility for our commitments and expect to be accountable for results.
We value the diversity of our employees and the unique perspectives they bring to RSL. Diversity at RSL not only includes age, race, sex, sexual orientation/gender identity, genetic information, disabilities, and ethnicity, but also jobs and functional roles within the company, the markets and clients we serve.